Sunday, March 8, 2009

Shout out to all you soccer moms

To all you moms who have kids that are actively involved in anything you guys are beasts! Over the weekend I got a small dose of your lives. One of my teachers from last semester asked me a few weeks ago if I would come and stay with her 4 kids( ages 13, 12 9, 7) so she and her husband could go to the Davis Cup. Of course I said yes, I love spending time with kids. The weekend was jammed pack. Anna had a band competition Friday night, Parker was gone most of the weekend to a soccer tournament, Saturday Baker and Garrett had a Boy Scout bike hike (we all participated) once we got home we played various sports in the backyard, Sunday was Scout Sunday at church, I taught 7th grade Sunday School, Baker had soccer practice after church and then we finished off with more backyard sports. I love being busy but whoo! that was a lot. We had an awesome weekend with out any problems from any of the kids. But I really do not see how Mrs. Hoyt manages all the kids stuff plus teaching at State and volunteering for as much as she does.

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