Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where I Come From

Up until I was about 8 I did not know neighborhoods existed or what they were. Why you ask. Because I was blessed to grow up on a whomping 160 acres thanks to my granddad. I thought everyone lived on a lot of land with family surrounding them. I loved being able to do what I pleased and be as loud as I wanted without worrying about what neighbors thought. My brothers and I spent hours out in the woods creating forts or playing army. Or even better sliding down a mud bank in to the creek. With both of my grandparents gone now the land is up for grabs. Who knows how much longer we will have it so with that in mind I decided to take pictures and make a collage type thing for my mom and aunt for Christmas. So here is a small glimpse in to my world as a kid.

How awesome are these rolling hills?

This is where we go to the top of the hill that over looks the pond and hit golf balls up torward the house.-->

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