Sunday, March 8, 2009

Shout out to all you soccer moms

To all you moms who have kids that are actively involved in anything you guys are beasts! Over the weekend I got a small dose of your lives. One of my teachers from last semester asked me a few weeks ago if I would come and stay with her 4 kids( ages 13, 12 9, 7) so she and her husband could go to the Davis Cup. Of course I said yes, I love spending time with kids. The weekend was jammed pack. Anna had a band competition Friday night, Parker was gone most of the weekend to a soccer tournament, Saturday Baker and Garrett had a Boy Scout bike hike (we all participated) once we got home we played various sports in the backyard, Sunday was Scout Sunday at church, I taught 7th grade Sunday School, Baker had soccer practice after church and then we finished off with more backyard sports. I love being busy but whoo! that was a lot. We had an awesome weekend with out any problems from any of the kids. But I really do not see how Mrs. Hoyt manages all the kids stuff plus teaching at State and volunteering for as much as she does.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where I Come From

Up until I was about 8 I did not know neighborhoods existed or what they were. Why you ask. Because I was blessed to grow up on a whomping 160 acres thanks to my granddad. I thought everyone lived on a lot of land with family surrounding them. I loved being able to do what I pleased and be as loud as I wanted without worrying about what neighbors thought. My brothers and I spent hours out in the woods creating forts or playing army. Or even better sliding down a mud bank in to the creek. With both of my grandparents gone now the land is up for grabs. Who knows how much longer we will have it so with that in mind I decided to take pictures and make a collage type thing for my mom and aunt for Christmas. So here is a small glimpse in to my world as a kid.

How awesome are these rolling hills?

This is where we go to the top of the hill that over looks the pond and hit golf balls up torward the house.-->

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Baseball Season is Here

I love baseball. I love watching the game; sitting in the stands or out on a blanket. To me it does not get much better. Last night I went to my first game a Mississippi State and quickly fell in love. The atmosphere is amazing. But the coolest thing is the Left Field Lounge.
It started in the 1960's in which people would drive their cars up and grill out then after the game leave. However one night a truck would not start so it was left there and ended up "reserving" the owner a spot for the next game. Well now when you look in the outfield you see old mail and milk trucks with bleachers on top of them, old bus seats on risers to create stadium seating, and other odd but cool ways people set up their area. It is so popular there is a waiting list to get a spot in the outfield. To read more about the Left Field Lounge you can check it out here Here also is a picture of what some of the vehicles look like parked in the Left Field Lounge.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Hellooooo blog world. My basic reason to conform to this is to keep up with friends blogs. However I am sure I will find pointless things to write about and bore you. Such topics may include the books I am reading, what I am learning, the craziness of school, the recent buildings I have found roof access to, and a running tally on jumbo tron climbs. So get excited people!